With History
At the National Archaeological Museum of Naples (MANN), a bottle containing olive oil that is over 2000 years old (the oldest so far) is on display.
But as we learned from Francisco Ataíde Pavão in the “September newsletter” (find interview here), olive oil "should be consumed as soon as possible, as it has a short shelf life (18 to 24 months after extraction)".
Therefore, the ideal deadline for consuming that olive oil has been over for almost.... 1998 years ago.
So, when you travel around Campania - the Italian region of Naples -, do not forget to take the opportunity to check it out.
Also do not forget to order a pizza Margarita and drizzle it with some olive oil PDO Irpinia - Colline dell'Ufita, one of the 5 different PDOs in Campania.
Laugh Often
#5 dos #7 elements of the Mediterranean lifestyle
Rir, laugh, 笑う, لتضحك, lachen, ridere, reír, cмеяться, kahkaha atmak or 😂.
As you can see, there are many ways to write “laugh” or how to express a good laugh.
Whether it would be in Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Turkish or English, after a good laugh we are all in a better mood, relaxed and willing to embrace life.
Laughter is the way we connect to each other – a moment of joy that brings people together.
Laughter is the best medicine. It’s good for your brain, body, and happiness, too.
🏷 #laugh #lifestyle